An Act of Great Hubris
Hubris! It is this which inspires me.
But no, let me be real now. I made this blog after failing five times to leave a comment sans account on the blog of my friend Top Hat. I let it sit for a few weeks until my other friend Fin decided to make one of his own, and then actually followed through within 24 hours of saying so. I can't let myself be outdone like that.
So, hello. My name is Doubloon. I play roleplaying games, and while I have played no small number of them, my first and greatest love is the family of Cthulhu-themed percentile systems which includes Chaosium's Call of Cthulhu and Arc Dream Publishing's Delta Green. I have played and run both of these far more than I have any other system.
I must demur to say that I am a better player than I am a game master, and far better as both than as an author of game material. Therefore, the future contents of this blog will largely be from that side of things. You can expect play reports, thoughts on player best practices, and maybe some other stuff, like books I've been reading or thinking about.
Bon chance et bonne journée, friends!
Make sure to let folks that aren't in this place, whatever it is, know you have a new post up, so we can read it. -Panama